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Hard training...

It's been 3 weeks since I rolled into Tucson, AZ for my winter getaway. It seems like the days of training are long but looking back on it, time is going quick. The weather in Tucson has been pretty good this year. Plenty of 60-70 degree days to get the work done. I would say I am getting my tan on, but well.... I'm a GINGER!

I am starting to feel more like a bike racer everyday here. I am putting in the hard work and resting even harder. I wake up in the morning with my legs still sore form the days before but know I have to get up and get out the door for another crucial day of training.

I am getting my butt kicked in every Tuesday and Saturday morning for the local shootout group ride. If you have never experienced this ride before I suggest you make a trip down here to see what all the hype is about. Just think about a 200 person race..It's always a shock to the system in January but a great way to get in a hard day of training.

This weekend will be the first race for the 2015 season for myself (A local crit and RR) I am excited to get back racing and see where the legs are this time of year.

I hope all of you are enjoying your winter training and are keeping your goals in mind. No need to be flying right now, it's only January!

Until next time.

Thanks for reading,

Ginger 1

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